Cleanliness in islam

  • Cleanliness
  • You should always keep yourself clean.
  • You should take a bath.
  • You should wash your face.
  • You should brush your teeth.
  • You should keep your hands clean.
  • You should comb your hair.
  • You should cut your nails.
  • You should wear clean clothes.
  • You should change your clothes when they become dirty.
  • You should keep your things neat and tidy.
  • You should not throw your books and toys here and there.
  • You should keep them in proper places.
  • You should keep your house tidy.
  • You should not throw papers in the school ground.
  • You should not throw sandwich wrappers here and there.
  • You should throw them in the waste paper basket.
  • You should keep your school clean.
  • You should keep your country clean.
  • Everyone loves clean and tidy children.
  • If you keep yourself clean, you will not fall sick.